OcLaunch Launch automagically

Quick start

Version: 0.3.x

OcLaunch is very easy to use.
But first, let's install it. You have several options:

Quick and dirty (easy, without automatic update)

If you don’t want to test OcLaunch with 0install or Opam as describeb below, you can use the binary of 0install archives directly. Pick the right version in this directory. See the FAQ for details of the organisation.



Goto this page and follow instructions.



With this method, you will get a binary so that you do not have to compile the program, which can be a quite complicated and long step.

Get 0install

If you do not have 0install installed: see installation instructions, especially here.

Install OcLaunch

You can find instructions on this page.

You should create an alias, as explained on this page.

$ 0alias oclaunch http://download.tuxfamily.org/oclaunch/oclaunch.xml

If you get an error such as

export PATH=/home/you/bin/:$PATH

It means that 0install can not define the new application in your $PATH. So it define it elsewhere and want you to add this folder to your path. You should add the export... line to your bashrc, so you can use 0install easier.

Test that all work

In the rest of the document, we assume that the oclaunch command is found if you enter it in your terminal.
To test, just open a new one and enter

oclaunch help

It should return something like this :

OcLaunch program is published under CeCILL licence.
You may run the program with 'licence' command or see http://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.html (https://s.oclaunch.eu.org/cecill) for details. More here: https://oclaunch.eu.org/floss-under-cecill (https://s.oclaunch.eu.org/l).

  oclaunch.native SUBCOMMAND

Nice to meet you! Here is some tips to get started with OcLaunch.
Use 'help' subcommand to get help (it works both after the name of the software and with another subcommand). For instance run
`oclaunch help add`
For further help, see https://oclaunch.eu.org. Report any bug at http://s.oclaunch.eu.org/bug

Feedback is welcome at feedback@oclaunch.eu.org.
To get remind for new stable versions, subscribe to our low-traffic mailing list: announce@oclaunch.eu.org. More here: https://s.oclaunch.eu.org/ml
See you soon! To keep in touch: https://s.oclaunch.eu.org/kt

=== subcommands ===

  run        Run the id sequence. Id sequence means a set of ids like this:
             1,4-9,17. The command is run for each item of the generated list
             (1,4,5,6,7,8,9,17 in this case)
  licence    Display the licence of the program
  add        Add the command given on stdin to the configuration file at a given
             position(s) ([id_sequence]). If nothing is given, or if it is out
             of bound, append commands at the end. Id sequence means a set of
             ids like this: 1,4-9,17. The command is run for each item of the
             generated list (1,4,5,6,7,8,9,17 in this case)
  edit       Edit the [COMMAND_NUMBER]th command of the rc file in your $EDITOR.
             May be used to add new entries, without argument, one new command
             per line.
             [COMMAND_NUMBER] may be a sequence of ids. Id sequence means a set
             of ids like this: 1,4-9,17. The command is run for each item of the
             generated list (1,4,5,6,7,8,9,17 in this case)
  list       Print a list of all commands with their number. Useful to launch
             with number. Displays a star next to next command to launch
  cleanup    Remove doubled entries, trailing spaces in them... Useful after
             manual editing or with rc file from old version
  delete     Remove the [COMMAND_NUMBER]th command from configuration file. If
             [COMMAND_NUMBER] is absent, remove last one.
             [COMMAND_NUMBER] may be a sequence of ids. Id sequence means a set
             of ids like this: 1,4-9,17. The command is run for each item of the
             generated list (1,4,5,6,7,8,9,17 in this case)
  state      Display current state of the program
  reset      Reinitialises launches for the command number [command] to [n].
             With both the [command] and the [n] argumennt, the command number
             [command] is resetted to [n]. With only the [n] argument, every
             entry in current tmp file is resetted to [n]. [command] may be a
             sequence of ids. Id sequence means a set of ids like this:
             1,4-9,17. The command is run for each item of the generated list
             (1,4,5,6,7,8,9,17 in this case)
  reset-all  Reinitialises launches for everything
  import     Import an rc file of version 0.2.x
  version    print version information
  help       explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

To update the software, you may use

0install update [the name you choose for oclaunch]


0launch -r http://download.tuxfamily.org/oclaunch/oclaunch.xml -version

This will allow you to refresh OcLaunch and display the new version number.


You can install it with Opam.

opam install oclaunch

If possible, try to use the latest version, which is not using the dependency core_extended quite long to build.

Want to build from an archive, git repository

Pick up the url of the code in this list of places. You will then do

opam pin add oclaunch url

remplace url by the url picked up earlier.

You may find further instructions for the git repository in this blog post.

Some old archives are not compatible with opam. Use the following method.

From the sources

Why build from sources

Even if precompilled binaries are available, you may build the program from source. You may not trust binaries and want to use code you verified yourself.
Or you want to get the latest version, a beta one or to build from the git repository.


Get the sources in this list (both git and tarballs).

You will find in the repository or in most archives an Install.md file. Dependancies are listed. The main ones are Core and YoJson.

Briefly, you may run

 ocaml setup.ml -configure
 ocaml setup.ml -build
 ocaml setup.ml -install

Contact me if you have any problem.


Add command to launch

You may use oclaunch edit. Your $EDITOR opens and let you enter your commands (one per line). Close the editor when you are finish.

You can find ideas of command here.

Last step

Just add the following line to ~/.bashrc

oclaunch run

This will allow you to launch each command added on terminal call.


There are several solutions to get help.