OcLaunch Launch automagically

Gitlab CI command line platform LINUX language OCaml

licence CeCILL diaspora #oclaunch opam oclaunch Get help

Quick overview

OcLaunch: /oklɔːntʃ/
Libre command-line program allowing you to launch program on a human basis. Don't let a clock plan things!
Since it's a command-line tool, you can use it almost everything, from GUI to CRON task.

The purpose of OcLaunch is to easily launch command once per session. For example, open a different program, one by one, each time you open your terminal. Learn more in the FAQ.

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Launch commands, one drop at time

For example, here is a typical session (you open a terminal emulator between each item):

  • You open your first terminal, your chat client is opened,
  • On second launch of a terminal, your task list is displayed,
  • On third launch, everything has been done. You will not see anything more.


You enjoyed the many benefits of OcLaunch:

  • Ability to launch command-line program easily on start up
  • See your task being done alone
  • Easiness of edit, disablement and review.

And, last but not least, it is a free/libre software, supported on UNIX-like systems, especially GNU/Linux. Contributions are welcome!

Want to know more? See the functionalities and the complete example describing how to use it with tarsnap.




This animated gif is based on this video. If you can not play it, you can go to the repository. A longer one is available here.
Other videos.

You may browse also

By downloading and using this site and OcLaunch, you agree to abide by its terms and rules.


Use installation instructions, a part of the quick start guide.

Let's start!


Found a bug? Have an idea? Share it!
OcLaunch is distributed under the CeCILL licence. Help is welcome!

The central bug tracker is on Gitlab, even if there are several mirror to post your patches.

“There is no dumb question”

Having problem? Ask for help on the mailing list!

For real-time discussion, use the XMPP chat room. Keep in mind that mailing list offer a persistent record of your ideas and can be useful if nobody is available to chat.
We are also social and use the oclaunch hashtag on Diaspora.

To continue to be a friendly community, we refer to this code of conduct to rule activities around the project.

On the blog

August 29, 2016

Yesterday (28/08), version 0.3.0-rc1 went out.

April 14, 2016

Yesterday (04/13), version 0.3.0-pre2 went out.

April 7, 2016

Https and IPv6 are now used by OcLaunch sites.

February 14, 2016

Today (02/19), version 0.3.0-pre1 went out.
It's the preversion promised in the post of the new year.

January 14, 2016

What append this year?

In this post, we will see how the project went further during 2015 and expose what is planned for the coming year. A few documentation for the services used is provided too.

December 22, 2015

About three weeks ago, I have got a notabug.org mirror for the git repository.

Enjoy it here and give it a lot of stars!

November 23, 2015

A few weeks ago, the project adopted community rules. Enjoy the new contributing experience!

September 26, 2015

I'm happy to announce the new git mirror on CodePlex.
There are several problems though.